Steri-clean, a major ally for good feminine hygiene!

We all know that good physical hygiene is essential and desired. However, one must be careful, because in the case we will raise below, the old adage "too much is like not enough" takes on a very important meaning. Did you know that the vaginal flora has a self-cleaning and self-protecting system which therefore does not require any additional cleaning? However, many women try to "clean the vaginal flora", or the internal cavity of the vagina.

This urge and this feeling of need usually comes from the desire or the idea of eliminating bad odors. What you have to understand is that we all have a natural vaginal odor, it is part of our body odor. In addition, certain factors, which are also completely natural, can accentuate the smell that one perceives as unpleasant, such as menstruation, or semen following sexual intercourse. After the consumption of certain foods, your vaginal area may have strong and intense odors, for example following the interference of spicy foods, onions or garlic.  Some women accept the fact that they naturally produce certain odors; others wish it were different. However, even if it seems the most accessible and frequently used solution, the use of vaginal douches is strongly discouraged since they interfere with the balanced and natural balance of the vaginal pH level.

That's not all! Douching could expose some women to some pretty dangerous chemicals, such as phthalate.

Even though the body produces a natural odor that one may find unpleasant, the odor may be caused by a medical condition: bacterial vaginosis. This is an imbalance of vaginal bacteria that manifests itself in more abundant discharge and a more pronounced change in smell than usual. This condition can be treated with antibiotics once diagnosed by a professional. However, the recurrence rate of this type of condition is quite high (50%). In addition, it is rare for someone who does not have several symptoms or who is not pregnant to be diagnosed quickly.

 Absolutely avoid

  • Douching

  • Internal cleaning

  • Sanitary napkins and scented tampons

  • scented soaps

  • Tight or synthetic underwear

  • Clothing that is too tight (pants, tights, etc.)

  • Unsanitary intimate accessories

  • Rough towels and sudden drying motions


Our advices :

  • Change tampons and sanitary napkins regularly (every four hours).

  • After using the toilet, clean from front to back.

  • Clean the external intimate areas daily (once a day is sufficient).

  • Favor washing with water only or using a clinically proven soap that helps maintain a balanced pH.

  • Properly dry the vagina and surrounding areas after bathing or showering.

  • Use a skin cleanser that eliminates odors and bacteria without harming the vaginal flora such as Floravi's Steri-clean. For more information, Click here.

  • Promote good natural vaginal lubrication or by using an adequate lubricant during foreplay or sex.

  • Clean all intimate accessories before and after each use.

  • Favor underwear made of cotton.

  • Favor loose clothing that allows some ventilation.

  • Prioritize delicacy over speed; take care of your hygiene and take the time it will take to do so.


Why Steri-clean?

  • It is the only antibacterial cleaner on the market approved by Health Canada

  • It eliminates harmful bacteria and germs

  • It is an excellent antiseptic cleanser for intimate accessories

  • It can be used on the skin and can be added to the daily routine

  • It can be used without any problem to clean the private parts*

  • It helps eliminate bad odors

  • It does not contain alcohol

  • It is hypoallergenic


Steri-clean is easily available online as well as in major pharmacies in Quebec. This affordable product is a must-have in your daily routine.

*Steri-clean is a product that should be used as a soap, for external use only.  

It is advisable to consult a gynecologist or a health professional if you have any questions regarding your intimate hygiene. Floravi only offers tips to promote pleasant feminine hygiene, every day.


Sources :
CliniqueA, La Presse, Canal Vie
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